Ascetic life of motherhood

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Orthodox Commonplace Book Kit

Check out this brand new product:

Orthodox Commonplace Book Kit by Family Chotki

Watch my unboxing video on Instagram to get a better idea of how to use this kit and journal

“Do you have a notebook for taking down quotes from Holy Fathers in your reading? Do you always have a book of Holy Fathers that you are reading, and can turn to in a moment of gloom? Start now - this is essential.”

~Fr. Seraphim Rose to Fr. Alexei Young in Letters from Fr. Seraphim, pg. 143

I've been craving to spend more time with the Lord this year, and I came across @familychotki Orthodox Commonplace book kit and instantly fell in love 🥰 I’m new to Commonplace books, but there is a whole history to this practice. As a former scrapbooker, I was so intrigued to begin using this journal!

The habit of keeping an OCB has many benefits…
✨Overcome Forgetfulness
✨Authentic Engagement with Your Faith
✨A Life-Long Attentive Habit
✨Fortifies Your Family Church
✨Screen-Free Quality Activity

I also love that the box is the storage box to keep all of your OCB items neatly together in one container.

Study Journals:

-Content for ALL ages, from parent to child
-Custom thought provoking illustrations to help visual learners and younger children
-Several layers topics: from basic overview to in-depth discussions
-Casual and conversational tone
-A coordinated online Resource Library to dive deeper
-Support parents in building a spiritually rich and authentic Orthodox Christian family church
-Usable during the Great Feasts as well as lessons that apply all-year-round
-Available in both physical and digital formats

📚Available for the feasts of Entrance of the Theotokos, Transfiguration, Theophany, Pentecost, Dormition

Check out Orthodox Commonplace Book Kit or their line of Liturgical Study Journals by Family Chotki.

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