Ascetic life of motherhood

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Patristic Nectar Kids - Videos for Orthodox Families

Over the past few months, I have been collaborating with Patristic Nectar Kids to create feast day videos for Orthodox Families. So far we have created 10 Episodes! You can see direct links to these episodes below!

Be sure to follow @PatristicNectarKids and text “PNP” to 53-555 to become a regular donor and get access to behind-the-scenes emails from the PNP team!


St Emilia (Emmelia) May 30th

For the feast of St Emilia, considered the mother of saints, we planted a fruit-bearing tree:

You can watch it on YouTube or Instagram

Sts Constantine and Helen - May 21st

  • For the feast of Saints Constantine and Helen, we made homemade pesto using fresh basil, a symbol of victory and connected to the story of their life!

How to Prepare a Traditional Pascha Basket (Pascha)

For this video, we shared the traditional Pascha basket and the meaning behind each of the elements. You can watch it on Instagram


Lazarus Saturday Tradition

Join us as we are making the tradition Lazarakia (Lazarus shaped buns) for Lazarus Saturday!

Third Week of Lent - The Cross

In this video, we make a simple lenten meal (lasagna crockpot soup) and talk about how we are at the half way point through lent and how the cross is our strength.


St Patrick’s Day - March 17th

For this vlog, we share how we are celebrating St Patrick’s day as a family, including a quick trip to the thrift store for some simple decorations, a simple meal and preparing for Lent!

40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste - March 9th

For this video we are on vacation with our cousins, we introduced the special Romanian tradition of baking Mucenici on the feast of the 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste.


St Raphael of Brooklyn - February 27th

We share our special connection to the Church established by St Raphael in Brooklyn, and how our family celebrates his feast!

Sts Aquila and Priscilla - February 13th

For this episode, we are having a tea party to commemorate this couple, the day before Valentine’s day. This is our debut episode with Patristic Nectar Kids!

St Brigid - February 1st

We make homemade butter for the feast of St Brigid, a teaser episode for our upcoming collaboration!

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