Ascetic life of motherhood

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September Liturgical Overview

In the Orthodox Church, the liturgical year begins on September 1st! I always take a big deep sigh at the chance to begin anew. Maybe it’s because the school year generally also begins in September, I feel inspired to re-organize, re-prioritize, and shift my focus towards living our lives oriented towards Christ. What a great opportunity!

In addition to the New Church Year, we have some beloved saints celebrated this month + two Great Feast Days! We are planning some fun fall themed activities this month while also celebrating these wonderful saints. For example, I love incorporating apple themed treats or apple picking for St Euphrosynos’ feast day (September 11) since part of his story is the apples he received from paradise. I’m always searching for more ways to bring Christ into our home in a tangible, and meaningful way. Not every parent is a “crafty” person, so I’ve attempted to gather resources that can accommodate all types of interests (food, podcasts, crafts, coloring pages, etc) that can easily be put together with very little prep work or planning. If you’re reading this, you likely desire to bring Christ into your home as well. Thank God! Together, may we encourage one another to be who God created us to be, and help others along the way. I’m glad you are here! God bless your efforts and good strength as we strive for the Kingdom together.

Here are some simple ways to participate this month:

And for those on the Old Calendar:

See this form in the original post

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