12 Great Feasts
In the Orthodox Church there are 12 Great Feasts. The feast of the Resurrection of Jesus is Pascha (Easter) is the greatest of all Holy Feasts Days and is referred to as the “Feast of Feasts”. It is not included in the 12 Great Feasts. The Ecclesiastical New Year begins on September 1st. Together with Pascha, these are the most significant dates on the Orthodox liturgical calendar. Eight of the great feasts are in honor of our Lord, while the other four are dedicated to the Most Holy the Theotokos. The 12 Great Feasts are as follows:
Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8)
Elevation of the Cross (September 14)
Entrance of the Theotokos (November 21)
Nativity of Christ - Christmas (December 25)
Baptism of Christ - Theophany (January 6)
Presentation of our Lord at the Temple - Candlemas (February 2)
Annunciation (March 25)
Entry into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Pascha)
Ascension of Christ (forty Days after Pascha)
Pentecost (fifty Days after Pascha)
Transfiguration (August 6)
Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15)
Check out these blogposts for the 12 Great Feasts:
Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8th)
In this guide you’ll find simple and easy ideas to celebrate the Nativity of the Theotokos as a family - emphasis on easy! Activity suggestions, book recommendations, song links, and additional information so you can share her story and what this feast is all about!
September - in the Orthodox Church, the liturgical year begins on September 1st! In addition to the New Church Year, we have some beloved saints celebrated this month + two Great Feast Days! Perhaps you’re like me, and you are planning some fun fall themed activities this month while also celebrating these wonderful saints. For example, I love incorporating apple themed treats or apple picking for St Euphrosynos’ feast day (September 11) since part of his story is the apples he received from paradise. There are many ways to participate in the liturgical life this month, I pray whatever you do, the Lord blesses your efforts!
Elevation of the Cross (September 14)
September - in the Orthodox Church, the liturgical year begins on September 1st! In addition to the New Church Year, we have some beloved saints celebrated this month + two Great Feast Days! Perhaps you’re like me, and you are planning some fun fall themed activities this month while also celebrating these wonderful saints. For example, I love incorporating apple themed treats or apple picking for St Euphrosynos’ feast day (September 11) since part of his story is the apples he received from paradise. There are many ways to participate in the liturgical life this month, I pray whatever you do, the Lord blesses your efforts!
Entrance of the Theotokos (November 21)
Nativity of Christ - Christmas (December 25)
5 Ways to Embrace Christ this Nativity Fast, following the Church as our guide!
Over the past several years, I have been on the hunt for an Orthodox Nativity set for my family. One of my biggest hold ups when searching for sets is majority of the sets on the market have the common “barn” manger scene, which isn’t entirely accurate. I’ve been on the search for the traditional “Cave” scene. This year, we found it! We added this BRAND NEW Wooden Icon Nativity Set by Orthodox Design Company to our collection and when I opened the packaged, I squealed and did a happy dance! It’s a dream to have this heirloom Nativity set that is not only beautiful, but durable and interactive for my children!
The Nativity Fast is a special time for us, set apart, to help us to slow down and prepare our hearts to receive Christ. For Orthodox Christians, Nativity fast begins November 15th and marks the 40 days leading up to the Nativity of our Lord (December 25th). In this guide, I want to share the various resources available to help you mark this season in your homes so that it is a fruitful season for you. Each household will take on their own unique traditions and practices. In my experience, the key to a fruitful Nativity fast is to pair everything down; do ONE thing, do it well, and build from there! God willing we will have many more years to build on foundation we are laying in our homes.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! May the remembrance of our Lord’s incarnation life your spirits and cause your hearts to rejoice! Christ is born, glorify Him!
Baptism of Christ -Theophany (January 6)
Orthodox Christians have a custom of inviting a priest yearly to bless our homes! Ever wonder why? Or maybe you scheduled your first house blessing and you want to know what to expect! This blogpost is for you! I am pulling back the veil a little to share what to expect, how to prepare, and answering some frequently asked questions.
🕊️ Theophany (also called Epiphany) is the baptism of Christ, one of the 12 Great Feasts in the Orthodox Church. We celebrate this feast on January 6th. The day before marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas, and now we move into Epiphany season!
Theophany means “The manifestation of God” since on this day, when the Lord came out of the water, the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus. The voice of God the Father was heard from the clouds saying “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.” God appeared in His fullness, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - The Holy Trinity.
One of my favorite gifts to give for baptisms, specifically for children, is an Orthodox book about baptism! For many young children, they may not remember the details of their baptism, so showing them photos of that day and reading a book about it (especially for older siblings) can be a wonderful way to talk about the day they became a Christian! Check out this Orthodox Baptism Package. All 4 of these books are sold individually or as a bundle by Potamitis Press
Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple - Candlemas (February 2)
On this page you will find resources for popular feast days celebrated in the Orthodox Church in February along with links to where to find them!
In this guide you’ll find 9 simple and easy ideas to celebrate the Presentation of Christ as a family - emphasis on easy! Activity suggestions, book recommendations, song links, and additional information so you can share her story and what this feast is all about!
A few months ago I set up an Amazon store front with the hopes of making convenient little lists for supplies for various feast days! Fun right? Majority of us use Amazon, so it’s just a convenient option for busy families. Check out this list for the Presentation of Christ + St Brigid (Feb 1 and 2nd)
In this guide you’ll find 9 simple and easy ideas to celebrate the Presentation of Christ as a family - emphasis on easy! Activity suggestions, book recommendations, song links, and additional information so you can share her story and what this feast is all about!
On this page you will find resources for popular feast days celebrated in the Orthodox Church in February along with links to where to find them!
Annunciation (March 25)
For the feast of the Annunciation, which is celebrated on March 25th, we have the tradition in our family of sprucing up our garden and planting new flowers named after the other of God (Theotokos, the Virgin Mary). I love this feast day tradition because it helps us lean into the spiritual symbolism in tending to a garden, one that the Theotokos would have been very familiar with - the garden of our hearts - in order to prepare to receive Christ. After all, she is the one who Jesus reminds us in the Gospel who “heard the word of God and kept it” (Luke 11:28). So as we prepare for this feast, let's prepare a place in our homes for our very own Mary Garden, with flowers dedicated to her. In this blogpost you will learn more about the feast of the Annunciation, how to plant your own Mary garden, what seeds to sow, and the connection between this special feast day activity!
Check out these DIY Pressed Flower stickers using only 3 simple items you probably have at your home.
In Medieval Europe, pious Christians loved to find reminders of their faith in nature, and named many plants after Jesus and the Theotokos. It became popular to take these plants and create “Mary Gardens”, gardens full of flowers and herbs that were named after the Mother of God, often with a statue of her at its center. Today, for the feast of the Annunciation, in honor of the day that Mary said yes to God, we planted the start of our own Mary Garden, using seeds of flowers that are named for her.
In this blogpost you will find resources for popular feast days celebrated in the Orthodox Church in March along with links to where to find them!
This month is jam-packed on the Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar. But before you have a min-panic attack… let me break it down for you. Triodion is in full force (the 3 weeks leading up to Lent), we are trekking through towards Lent (starts March 18th), so much of what I’ve listed here is automated. If you are attending services each Sunday and commit to embracing Lent as much as you’re capable of, you’ll be just fine. I’ve added in some fun feast day traditions here if you’re feeling extra capacity but don’t over stress about it. So here are some ways to embrace the liturgical season this month (IN SLIDES):
Entry into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Pascha)
Ascension of Christ (forty Days after Pascha)
When beginning to live the Liturgical life, you'll begin to notice new things each year, as if we're adding a new layer of rich soil in the garden of our hearts. Maybe a certain part of the feast day hymn jumped out at you this year. Or maybe you noticed something new in the festal icon. Or you heard a line in one of the prayers that you could have sworn you never heard before. Each major feast day, I try to dive a little deeper, and prepare myself for another sweet revelation to renew my heart and mind.
Here you’ll find 10 fun ways to celebrate Ascension as a family in hopes that one of these ideas will spark some ideas for you as you live out the Liturgical Calendar. Perhaps they will become your annual tradition for each Ascension! These are not just activities for activities sake, of course. My hope is that these will aid you in sharing more about our faith with your children in a way that is developmentally appropriate, allows for their exploration and participation in the feast, and hopefully cultivate a rich soil in their hearts that allows the seed of Truth that stays with them all the days of their life.
Who doesn’t like a fun symbolic recipe to help us remember a Special Feast Day? This Cloud Jello Parfait recipes is SUPER easy and fun, and will help children remember the details of Christ’s ascension into heaven!
Here you’ll find 10 fun ways to celebrate Ascension as a family in hopes that one of these ideas will spark some ideas for you as you live out the Liturgical Calendar. Perhaps they will become your annual tradition for each Ascension! These are not just activities for activities sake, of course. My hope is that these will aid you in sharing more about our faith with your children in a way that is developmentally appropriate, allows for their exploration and participation in the feast, and hopefully cultivate a rich soil in their hearts that allows the seed of Truth that stays with them all the days of their life.
As a parent, I know what a difficult task it can be to stay ahead of the Liturgical calendar, particularly during a busy season like this one, so I hope to help other parents…
Start off the new month with an intentional plan to incorporate the liturgical life into your home, with a few simple additions. The Liturgical calendar can be very full, so by pairing it down to, this printable has ONE saint, ONE hymn, ONE activity, and ONE family culture building activity.
Pentecost (fifty Days after Pascha)
Here you’ll find 10 easy ideas to celebrate Pentecost as a family. As a busy mom with 3 little ones, I know how precious your time is, so I hope to simplify how you celebrate feasts together. In this list you’ll find ways to prepare your kids for Pentecost (i.e. kneeling prayers, song, etc) and you will find fun recipes and stories too.
Here you’ll find 10 easy ideas to celebrate Ascension as a family. As a busy mom with 3 little ones, I know how precious your time is, so I hope to simplify how you celebrate feasts together. In this list you’ll find ways to prepare your kids for Pentecost (i.e. kneeling prayers, song, etc) and you will find fun recipes and stories too.
A simple one page guide to pair down this Liturgical season into “bite sized” portions. Let’s set our focus more on what the Church is offering us, and if you have extra capacity, here are a few ideas to help you engage in your home this month.
Transfiguration (August 6)
As I was preparing for the feast of Holy Transfiguration (August 6), I had a brilliant idea to create a “Light of Christ” Night Light! This is a simple project just about anyone can do! Check out this blogpost for simple instructions and links to purchase anything you see here!
Holy Transfiguration is always celebrated on August 6th and is one of the 12 Great Feasts in the Orthodox Church. It is when we remember in Luke 9 & Matthew 19, when Jesus took Peter, John, and James and up on a mountain to pray, and as He prayed, He was transfigured before them. Feast Day Tradition: On this feast day, in many churches, the faithful will bring grapes or other fruit/vegetables to be blessed. It’s a beautiful reminder of the final transfiguration of all things in Christ where all of creation will be transformed by the Glory of the Lord.
Holy Transfiguration is the event in Luke 9 & Matthew 19, when Jesus took Peter, John, and James and up on a mountain to pray, and as He prayed, He was transfigured before them. The Feast is always celebrated on August 6th and is one of the 12 Great Feasts in the Orthodox Church. Feast Day Tradition: On this feast day, in many churches, the faithful will bring grapes or other fruit/vegetables to be blessed. It’s a beautiful reminder of the final transfiguration of all things in Christ where all of creation will be transformed by the Glory of the Lord.
August is a unique month! The Church is bringing our focus back, once again, after a busy summer of feasting and celebrating. We begin with the Dormition Fast on August 1st, the final fasting season in the year. We also will celebrate 2 Great Feasts this month: Dormition & Transfiguration - two of the 12 Great Feasts of the year! There are many opportunities to lean into the Liturgical year this month, and many more opportunities to bring Christ into our homes.
Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15)
Holy Transfiguration is always celebrated on August 6th and is one of the 12 Great Feasts in the Orthodox Church. It is when we remember in Luke 9 & Matthew 19, when Jesus took Peter, John, and James and up on a mountain to pray, and as He prayed, He was transfigured before them. Feast Day Tradition: On this feast day, in many churches, the faithful will bring grapes or other fruit/vegetables to be blessed. It’s a beautiful reminder of the final transfiguration of all things in Christ where all of creation will be transformed by the Glory of the Lord.
The Dormition Fast is the final fasting season in the Liturgical year. It is one of the four canonical fasting periods of the Orthodox Church year. The duration of the Dormition Fast is always August 1-14th, concluding on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15th). As we recognize this significant shift in our liturgical calendar, I wanted to provide resources and ideas in this guide to help guide you and your families. May this be a fruitful season for us all!
In the Orthodox Christian church, we spend approximately 180 - 200 days fasting in a year. The Church has given us fasting as a tool for salvation and acquiring the mindset of Christ. St. John of Kronstadt states, “They [fasting and prayer] cleanse us from sin, they lead us to spiritual peace, to union with God, to sonship, to boldness before God.” Fasting is not something to dread, on the contrary, it’s something to help our spiritual life and help us draw closer to God.
But, what about fasting as a family with young children, a pregnant or nursing mother, and a father who all may need to fast differently? These circumstances add an element to fasting that is unique to some seasons of life. What do the Church fathers say concerning fasting and family life? Why are pregnant and nursing mothers often given a less strict fasting rule?
Here’s an idea for you to celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the Theokotos. Consider hosting a Dormition tea in honor of the Theokotos! This can be done before or after the feast - so you’ll need to adjust the menu depending on if it’s fasting or not.
The Dormition Fast is the final fasting season in the Liturgical year. It is one of the four canonical fasting periods of the Orthodox Church year. The duration of the Dormition Fast is always August 1-14th, concluding on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15th). As we recognize this significant shift in our liturgical calendar, I wanted to provide resources and ideas in this guide to help guide you and your families. May this be a fruitful season for us all!
Do you struggle with what fast-friendly meals to make for breakfast, lunch and snacks? In this FREE download you will find a Fasting Ideas Cheat Sheet, 2 Blank Meal Plan Sheets, 2 Blank Grocery Shopping Lists, + 6 additional recipes. My hope is to lighten the load this Dormition Fast, so you can spend less time thinking about what you are going to cook, and spend more time in prayer and participating in the divine services and fasting. I pray this packet is a blessing!
August is a unique month! The Church is bringing our focus back, once again, after a busy summer of feasting and celebrating. We begin with the Dormition Fast on August 1st, the final fasting season in the year. We also will celebrate 2 Great Feasts this month: Dormition & Transfiguration - two of the 12 Great Feasts of the year! There are many opportunities to lean into the Liturgical year this month, and many more opportunities to bring Christ into our homes.
Great and Holy Pascha
During the Paschal season, just like we do during lent, consider making changes to your environment that echo what is going on liturgically…
I compiled a few items in my Amazon storefront that can help you prepare your Pascha baskets! Feel free to shop my links, and know that I get a small commission if you do use them, so I appreciate that so very much!
As Pascha draws near, I wanted to create a printable/planner to help you stay organized for Holy Week, prepare sufficiently for attending services, and have a smooth and grace-filled Holy Week and Pascha! A little foresight and planning before Holy Week begins goes a long way so we have a heart like Mary and we can focus on the one thing needful and not be a frazzled mess like Martha running around stressed!
In this guide you will find many resources and information for each day of Holy Week to help guide your family through the Passion of our Lord. I’ve included activity suggestions (for the ambitious ones), book recommendations, as well as tips to help you prepare for Pascha so this Holy Week will be much smoother than in years past and you can experience the Joy of Pascha!
There are a plethora of wonderful books on the market today for children to better understand our Orthodox Faith. Every year at Pascha, we gift our children a new book to add to our collection - usually surrounding the theme of the season. These are the ones we have read and loved! I’ve also added the age range that I think is appropriate to introduce it, but of course most of these books can be read aloud on the laps of mom and dad and would be perfectly suited for the whole family.
If you’re new to creating a Pascha basket, welcome! I’m glad you found this little blogpost. My hope is to share an example of a Traditional Pascha basket, which stems from the Russian tradition, and share what each item symbolizes.
During the Paschal season, just like we do during lent, consider making changes to your environment that echo what is going on liturgically…
Pascha Family Brunch table inspiration plus some photos from our Pascha service 2023
In this guide you will find many resources and information for each day of Holy Week to help guide your family through the Passion of our Lord. I’ve included activity suggestions (for the ambitious ones), book recommendations, as well as tips to help you prepare for Pascha so this Holy Week will be much smoother than in years past and you can experience the Joy of Pascha!
In this guide you’ll find simple and easy ideas to celebrate the Nativity of the Theotokos as a family - emphasis on easy! Activity suggestions, book recommendations, song links, and additional information so you can share her story and what this feast is all about!