Dormition Fast Resources
The Dormition Fast is the final fasting season in the Liturgical year. It is one of the four canonical fasting periods of the Orthodox Church year. The duration of the Dormition Fast is always August 1-14th, concluding on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (August 15th). *For those following the Old Calendar, the fasting days are Aug 14-28th.
As we recognize this significant shift in our liturgical calendar, I wanted to provide resources and ideas in this guide to help guide you and your families. May this be a fruitful season for us all!
Scroll to find out more ways to participate in this unique fasting period
What is the Dormition?
It is the falling-asleep of Mary, and translation into life which is celebrated on August 15th. In preparation for this great feast of the Mother of God, we observe a two-week period of fasting from August 1-14.
So why do we fast before Dormition?
I love this analogy: In a close-knit family, news that its matriarch is on her deathbed brings normal life to a halt. Otherwise important things (parties, TV, luxuries, personal desires) become unimportant; life comes to revolve around the dying matriarch. It is the same with the Orthodox family; word that our matriarch is on her deathbed, should have a similar affect on us. We fast, not to get what we want, but to prepare ourselves to receive what God wants to give us. Fasting is intended to bring us to the realization of “the one thing needful.” It is to help us put God first and our own desires second, if not last. It also serves to prepare us to be instruments of God’s will, as with Moses in his flight from Egypt and on Mt. Sinai, as well as our Lord’s fast in the wilderness. Fasting turns us away from ourselves and toward God. It helps us become more like the Theotokos, an obedient servant of God, who heard His word and kept it better than anyone else has or could.
(1) Fasting Resources:
Christian fasting is the most effective weapon we can have next to prayer. The two together can do wonders. One day, His disciples asked Jesus why they could not heal a boy by expelling a demon from within him. They asked, "Why could we not cast it out?" The Lord's reply was, "This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
Fasting makes us realize that we are dependent on God. We are reminded that without God, we can do nothing. It also has the potential to increase our spiritual strength, true obedience to God, and total patience with our fellow man. It assists us to take control of our appetites that involve the physical senses. We fast from food to help us build up our self control “muscles” so to speak - so that ultimately we can resist the temptation to sin and live according to God’s will.
As with all fasting, please remember that abstaining from food during this period of preparation does us no good if we do not also, as St. John Chrysostom teaches us, fast with:
“… the eye and the ear and the feet and the hands and all the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast, by being free of avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin. Let the eyes fast, by disciplining them not to glare at that which is sinful. Let the ear fast, by not listening to evil talk and gossip. Let the mouth fast from foul words and unjust criticism.
For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fishes, but bite and devour our brothers?”
Fasting Rule
Orthodox Christians generally follow the same fast, as prescribed by the Church. From August 1-14th, we fast from meat, dairy, fish with backbones, wine and oil. On Saturdays and Sundays are Wine and Oil Days which means on these days the fast is relaxed to permit wine and oil. Of course, fasting is a spiritual discipline that should be practiced with the oversight and direction of your spiritual father. You should consult your Priest if you have any specific questions about the fasting discipline as it applies to you, and your children.
Dormition Fast Free Download by Ascetic Life of Motherhood
Do you struggle with what fast-friendly meals to make for breakfast, lunch and snacks? I created a cheat sheet to help lighten the mental load of thinking of easy and diverse fasting options. My hope is to lighten the load this Dormition Fast, so you can spend less time thinking about what you are going to cook, and spend more time in prayer and participating in the divine services and fasting. I pray this packet is a blessing!
In this free download you will find:
~ Fasting Ideas Cheat Sheet
~ 2 Blank Meal Plan Sheets
~ 2 Blank Grocery Shopping Lists
~ 6 additional recipes
Additional Fasting Resources
Lenten Nourishment Guide by registered dietitian Krista Fedorchak - Check out this FREE guide, offering practical tips for eating in a Godly and nourishing way throughout the fasting seasons
Fasting Resources by Parousia Press
Orthodox Pebbles Lesson on Fasting for Kids - Explaining fasting to children can be hard, but these resources from Orthodox Pebbles make it easier and more engaging for little ones
(2) Dormition Study
Adult Dormition Study:
Orthodox Mom created a fantastic Dormition Study to help guide us through the fast. It includes :
✨Daily readings
✨Journaling pages
✨Prayers to the Theotokos
✨and the full paraklesis service.
If you haven’t come across this study yet, I highly recommend you check it out! It’s an instant download and can be printed year after year. So this Dormition fast, find a quiet spot, grab this study and a pen, make yourself a cup of tea/coffee and dive in! Or if you’re like me and have small kids, read each day’s reading out loud and share the story of the Theotokos with them, and try to sneak in those last few minutes to journal and reflect.
(3) Attending Services During the Fast
During the Dormition Fast, the the Church, through the Paraklesis Service, gives us the opportunity to come to that deathbed and focus on the woman who bore God, the vessel of our salvation. She is our advocate in heaven, and one we can ask for to intercede for us. Check with your local parish for their schedule and make it a priority to attend as many as you can!
About the Paraklesis Service
During the fast periods throughout the year, the Church encourages us to participate more in prayer, almsgiving, and (of course) fasting. During the Dormition Fast (August 1 - 14) specifically, we have the opportunity to pray the Paraklesis service to the Theotokos. The Paraklesis is a service of supplication for the welfare of the living. It is addressed to a Saint, whose intercessions are sought through the chanting of a supplicatory canon and other hymns. The most popular Paraklesis Service is that in which the supplicatory canon and other hymns are addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos.
Resources and Books for Engaging in the Services with Kids:
With an increase of services during Dormition, I find that having a few resources on hand during the service for busy hands helps my children stay engaged in the services. We keep a small tote bag in our car that only comes out during Church services, and I replenish my supplies from time to time. Studies show that working with your hands can actually help people remember more of what they hear. This is especially true for children. Finding age appropriate and QUIET activities is key!
Some suggestions that have worked well for us:
Orthodox Coloring Books - I typically choose materials that are Orthodox since I want that to be what their mind is focused on. We love the coloring books from Ancient Faith and Potamitis Press.
Blank Drawing Pads - My girls (4 & 7) use these blank coloring pads more than anything else. You can find them super cheap at places like Walmart or Target or even on Amazon.
LCD Writing Tablet - My kids love these and you can find them pretty inexpensive. These ones come in a pack of 2 for less than $10
Crayons and Markers in a soft case - Personally I only have twist up crayons (since my son is still too little to handle markers) and some ball point pens/pencils. Use your discretion. I can’t tell you how frustrasting it can be to have crayon paper peeled all over the place after liturgy so we stick with the twist up style since they don’t break as easily and they don’t peel! Just make sure you have them in a pouch, quiet bag or something to contain them so they aren’t floating all over your bag!
Crochet Censers - to encourage pious play. We get ours from Cozy House Curious, the toddler version.
Divine Liturgy Books - Our favorites are The Child’s Guide to Liturgy by Ancient Faith Publishing (for younger children 6 and under) and Christ Amongst Us by Newrome Press (you can see my review for that book HERE).
Other Orthodox Books (just one per child) that you know they will enjoy. You can find my booklist recommendations HERE.
Take a peek into our Church Bag Video originally posted to Instagram Reels:
(4) Count Down the Days
For children especially, I find that having a visual countdown of the days is not only fun and engaging, but it helps mark the time. It also helps frame this time as set apart.
Dormition Countdown Calendar DIY Kit by Draw Near Designs
Countdown the days through the Dormition fast by adding a flower each day, and on the feast of the Dormition place the image of the illustration of the Dormition in the center! This simple DIY kit can be assembled with just glue and scissors (or a little sewing if you so choose). The flowers and Dormition scene will stay in place just by pressing them onto the fleece, and the kit includes a small bag to store the flowers. Children and adults will enjoy this visual tracking of the days to the Dormition, and this can be used year after year, by both new and old calendar families!
DIY kit comes as a fat quarter of fleece with instructions. You will need scissors, glue or needle/thread, and a straight stick or dowel with a string to hang it!
(5) Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
An important elements to any fasting period in the Orthodox Church is (1) Prayer (2) Fasting and (3) Almsgiving. Find ways for your family to participate in these three things in order to make this season fruitful and as a means for our salvation. Some ways to do this as a family: Attend services, pray together daily and read the scriptures, collect food for a homeless shelter, and connect with your local parish for other opportunities to serve the needy around you. As with all fasting seasons, this can also be a wonderful opportunity to go to confession.
Having a prominent place in your home where you gather together as a family to pray is, in my opinion, an essential part of a Christian home. We have several places in our home with icons, but our home altar is where most of our family prayers happen. If you don’t yet have a prayer corner set up in your home, lent is a great opportunity to start one! Check out this YouTube video on how to set up a home icon corner HERE.
Generally things that we use in our prayer corner include : icons, a cross, a candle, holy water (you can ask your local Church for some), a prayer book, incense & charcoal and a censor. We also have an oil burning candle which we light for longer periods of time.
Prayer Resources:
Pocket Prayer Booklet - If you don’t have a prayer book yet, I’d suggest you buy a copy of what we call “the little red prayer book” (Click Here). They are compact, inexpensive, and this is what I personally use to guide my daily prayers. Aside from morning and evening prayers, there are other great prayers in this pocket sized book including prayers for your spouse, friends and loved ones, the sick, preparing for confession and much, much more! Speak with your priest about a prayer rule.
The Service of the Small Paraklesis to the Most Holy Theotokos - During Dormition, we will pray the Paraklesis service throughout the 14 day fasting period. If you would like to have a copy and follow along, you can check this one out from Amazon.
Listen to the Paraklesis on YouTube - This is my favorite version and I listen to it throughout the year.
Songs of Praise Psalter - It has become common practice to read the Psalms daily. A Psalter is a collection of Psalms. There are a number of Psalters available, but I like this one in particular because of the reflections the author Sylvia Leontaritis shares after each Kathisma. This Psalter is available to purchase through Ancient Faith Publishing
If you need to stock up some home prayer corner supplies, check out these places:
Legacy Icons - icons, prayer corner supplies and more
In Christ’s teaching, almsgiving goes together with fasting and prayer. According to St John Chrysostom, no one can be saved without giving alms and without caring for the poor. St Basil the Great says that a man who has two coats or two pair of shoes, when his neighbor has none, is a thief. All earthly things are the possessions of God. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell in it” (Psalms 24:1). We are stewards of what belongs to the Lord and should share the gifts of His creation with one another as much as we can.
Visit a cementary and pray for the souls of those who have gone before us. Leave flowers at the gravesites of a few.
Donate to Food for Hungry People - An organization of the Orthodox Antiochian Archdiocese- over the span of 45 years, this charity organization has had a tremendous impact throughout the world, helping to alleviate the suffering and hunger caused by poverty, war, and numberless tragedies.
Get Involved with FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in the US) - Every day, FOCUS opens its doors to people who are out of work, experiencing homelessness, or struggling to make ends meet. Every day, people turn to FOCUS for a hot meal, health care, transitional housing, clothing, groceries, job training, and compassionate support. You can find out more ways to be involved HERE.
14 bags for 14 days - one creative idea is each day of the fast, clean out some portion of your house. It doesn't have to be garbage bags full, it could be a sandwich bag full from one drawer. But do one bag each day and donate to charity or to those who need them.
Support Missionaries through OCMC - If you would like a Coin Box from OCMC, fill out this form HERE and they will send you one!
Final Thoughts
Lastly, as a reminder, none of these items I mentioned above are necessary. This is a relatively short fasting season so as much as you are able to pause and slow down, the better. The task alone of creating a peaceful and prayerful home is a worthy endeavor and we can use the liturgical seasons of feasting and fasting to create lovely rhythms and traditions for our families - without the need to acquire “All the things!” Keeping our focus on giving and not consuming during Dormition is a great undertaking for me, I assure you!
My hope is to provide you with many ideas and ways to participate in the Dormiton fast, finding what works best for your family. However, keeping our focus on (1) prayer, (2) fasting, (3) almsgiving, and of course attending Divine Services is the best place to start!