About Me
Hello and welcome!
My name is Kouria Destinie and I'm excited you are here! I use my little space here on the web to share resources I find that may be useful to others interested in bringing the life of the Church into their homes! Living out the Ancient Faith in a modern world takes intention. I will happily walk along side you, sharing what I am learning and finding, so together we can raise up the next generation of Christians who love God with all their hearts and minds!
A little more about me - my husband and I are from Southern California, but currently reside in North Carolina. We both grew up as Evangelicals and discovered the Orthodox Church in college. After a few years, we joined the Orthodox Church and our lives have never been the same. In college I studied Education and received both my Bachelors and Masters degree in teaching. Currently I have the beautiful privilege of being able to care for my family and raise my children in our home. My husband is an Orthodox Christian Priest and we have 4 young children.
Ascetic Life of Motherhood Blog: My heart has always been to serve Christ, even from a young age. I’ve always been drawn to teaching, and spent nearly 10 years as a Sunday school teacher. Once my oldest was a few years old, I felt the great honor of being the one to teach her about Christ and His Church. Since there were many aspects to the Orthodox faith that were new to me, I grew in my desire to learn more about my faith along side my children, searching for whatever resources I could find to help me teach these Truths in a way that was developmentally appropriate and simple. Thus the blog was born! I was finding all of these amazing resources but I realized after talking to my friends that many of them didn’t know they existed. One thing you’ll learn about me is, I love to over share ;) I just can’t help myself! I find something good and true and want to shout it from the roof tops! I love sharing what I find with others, and it gives me great joy to see others using these resources with their children. It’s my hope and desire that all children love God. As a parent myself, I know that is a huge task, so I hope to help other parents shoulder the burden of sharing simple descriptions to help you learn about each feast, and find fun and age appropriate resources to help share the Faith with their children in a way to engage more fully.
I’m thankful you are here! And I’m sure you know, but everything I teach I am learning too. Thank you for letting me share my heart with you!
- Khouria Destinie

Check out these blogposts to see more of our life in Christ!