April Overview
and for those on the Old Calendar, just one difference, the Annunciation is on April 7th!

There is a lot to expect this month, as we journey towards Pascha (May 5th). This particular season is very full for my family, so I’m conserving some energy in order to continue to live the Liturgical season most fully - preparing fasting meals, attending weekly services, preparing for Holy Week/Pascha! So I don’t have extra slides/links for this month like I usually do. If you are needing some extra resources, check out some of my blogposts below:

Lent, February, March, April, Great Lent
Lent Guide for Orthodox Christians
Lent, February, March, April, Great Lent
Lent, February, March, April, Great Lent
Patristic Nectar Kids, May, April, March, February, St Emilia, St Helen, St Constantine, pascha basket, Sunday of the Holy Cross, St Patrick, 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, St Raphael, St Brigid, Sts Aquila and Priscilla, P, September, August, July
May, Paschaltide, Ascension, Saint Irene, Sunday of the Paralytic, St John the Evanglist, Mid-Pentecost, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, Saint Constantine & Helen, St Emilia
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