April Resource Guide
I wanted to create an overview of the various Feast Days or special Liturgical Days coming up this month. This month we are still in Great Lent and towards the end of the month we begin our Holy Week journey (April 26th-May 2) towards the Feast of Feast: Pascha! As a parent, I know what a difficult task it can be to stay ahead of the Liturgical calendar, particularly during a busy season like Lent, so I hope to help other parents by providing timely reminders and age appropriate resources to help share the Faith with their children. I want to provide ways to more easily engage/connect our Liturgical lives, not only with our participation in the life of the church, but in our homes as well. In this guide you will find an overview of each day mentioned above, fun ways to participate using what you have at home, or what you can easily gather or print, book recommendations, and I’ve included links to additional resources I’ve found. I pray that together we can raise up the next generation of Christians who love God with all their hearts and minds!
April 4 - Sunday of the Holy Cross
Sunday of the Holy Cross is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. At the vigil of that day, after the Great Doxology, the Cross is brought in a solemn procession to the center of the church and remains there for the entire week. The meaning of all of this is clear. We are Mid-Lent. On the one hand, the physical and spiritual effort begins to be felt, it’s burden becomes a little more burdensome, our fatigue more evident. We need help and encouragement. On the other hand, having endured this fatigue, having climbed the mountain up to this point, we begin to see the end of our pilgrimage, and the rays of Pascha grow in their intensity. The gospel reading is from Mark 8:34 “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Refreshed and reassured, we begin the second part of lent. We process with our crosses and sing “O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, granting to Thy Faithful victory over all their enemies; and by the power of Thy cross, preserving Thy Kingdom!” Seeing the Holy Cross, we are reminded that we are not alone in our struggles.
Source: Great Lent by Alexander Schmemann
Activity Ideas :
Decorate Your Own Cross - whether it is painting a printable cross (HERE), painting a wooden cross from a craft store, or making your own cross out of materials you have at home, adorn your cross and proudly process around your home singing the hymn “O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, granting to Thy Faithful victory over all their enemies; and by the power of Thy cross, preserving Thy Kingdom!”
Lesson on Veneration of the Cross for Kids by Orthodox Pebbles - A lesson on the Veneration of the Cross can be challenging to plan for young children, as the concepts on which it is based may be too abstract for this age group, so Orthodox Pebbles is offering a variety of hands-on activities to help make it more concrete. Includes : Popsicle stick cross craft, Cross Scavenger Hunt, Troparion Scramble and more!
Printable Coloring/Story Book about the Sunday of the cross by Presvytera and Missionary Alexandria Ritsi - This free resources includes the instructions on how to fold/create a little book for kids that can be folded into a tiny booklet, colored, and explains more about the parable to kids in a way that is age appropriate. Click HERE to download and print!
Listen to a Podcast about Sunday of the Holy Cross (6 minutes long) by Tending to the Garden of our Hearts HERE. It’s a podcast for the whole family!
Song about the Cross for Kids by Khouria Gigi Baba Shadid - available for download online HERE.
Book Recommendations:
The Legend of the Cross by Chrissi Hart - Discover the legend of the tree that would become the Cross of Christ in this beautiful hardcover picture book. Grown from seeds gifted from the heavens, a magnificent tree participates in ancient history before becoming the crowning symbol of Christianity
St. Helen and the Holy Cross ($3.95 + Free Shipping) by Potamitis Publishing - read about the discovery of the true Cross by St Helen
Sing Out Loud - Teach Your Young Children How to Make the Sign of the Cross - In the book “ Sing Out Loud, Christina Romas Connant created an original song using the tradition nursery rhyme “Are You Sleeping”… goes like this “Raise you right hand, raise your right hand, just like this, just this this…” available for purchase HERE and through Draw Near Designs
April 7 - St Tikhon
St Tikhon the Patriarch of Moscow, Enlightener of North America has many feasts days throughout the year. April 7th is the commemoration of his repose. Saint Tikhon was born as Vasily Ivanovich Belavin on January 19, 1865 and his father was a rural priest in Russia. His childhood and adolescence were spent in the village in direct contact with many poor laborers. From his early years he was known for his religious disposition, love for the Church as well as rare meekness and humility. When St Tikhon was still a boy, his father had a revelation about each of his children. One night, he suddenly woke up and roused them. He had seen his mother in a dream, who foretold to him his imminent death, and the fate of his three sons. She said that one would be unfortunate throughout his entire life, another would die young, while the third, Vasily (St Tikhon), would be a great man. The prophecy of the proved to be true. St Tikhon studied at the Pskov Theological Seminary and went on to receive another degree from Saint Petersburg Theological Academy. As a layman, he became a professor of Moral and Dogmatic Theology. The whole seminary and the town became very fond of him. He led an austere and chaste life, and in 1891, when he turned 26, he took monastic vows. Nearly the whole town gathered for the ceremony. He embarked on this new way of life consciously and deliberately, desiring to dedicate himself entirely to the service of the Church. The meek and humble young man was given the name Tikhon in honor of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. On September 14, 1898, Bishop Tikhon was made Bishop of the Aleutians and Alaska. As head of the Orthodox Church in America, Bishop Tikhon was a zealous laborer in the Lord’s vineyard. He did much to promote the spread of Orthodoxy, and to improve his vast diocese.
In 1917 he was consecrated as Patriarch. This was a difficult time politically, a time when Church property was being confiscated, when clergy were subjected to court trials and persecutions, and the Church endured repression. His exceptionally high moral and religious authority helped him to unite the scattered and enfeebled flock. At a crucial time for the church, his unblemished name was a bright beacon pointing the way to the truth of Orthodoxy. In his messages, he called on people to fulfill the commandments of Christ, and to attain spiritual rebirth through repentance. His irreproachable life was an example to all. Being a good pastor, who devoted himself entirely to the church’s cause, he called upon the clergy to do the same: “Devote all your energy to preaching the word of God and the truth of Christ, especially today, when unbelief and atheism are audaciously attacking the Church of Christ. May the God of peace and love be with all of you!” In 1924, Patriarch Tikhon reposed peacefully. It would be difficult to imagine the American Orthodox Church without Patriarch Tikhon during those years. He did so much for the Church and for the strengthening of the Faith itself during those difficult years of trial. Perhaps his own words best sum up his life: “May God teach every one of us to strive for His truth, and for the good of the Holy Church, rather than something for our own sake.”
St Nicholas Antiochian Cathedral in Brooklyn NY - On May 22, 1901, he blessed the cornerstone for Saint Nicholas Cathedral in New York along with St Raphael of Brooklyn, and was also involved in establishing other churches. On November 9, 1902, he consecrated the church of Saint Nicholas in Brooklyn for the Syrian Orthodox immigrants. Two weeks later, he consecrated Saint Nicholas Cathedral in NY. {Still a vibrant and active parish today, my husband was assigned to this parish for 2 years while he attended Seminary in NY. Here are some photos taken by me on their 100 year anniversary}
Activity Ideas :
Color an Icon of St Tikhon - by Sparks 4 Orthodox Kids
Icon of the Saints of North America - sold through Ancient Faith Publishing
Source: HERE
April 11 - Sunday of St John of the Ladder
Sunday of St John of the Ladder is the 4th Sunday of Great Lent in which we commemorate Righteous Father John Climacus (Or St John of the Ladder) who wrote the booked called The Ladder of Divine Ascent. The ascetic example of this great Saint of the Church inspires us in our Lenten journey. St John was a very smart and well educated, and he dedicated his life to serving God. At 16 years old, he joined a monastery at Mt Sinai, where Moses once climbed to the top of the mountain and received the Ten Commandments from God. He lived in the monastery for many years before deciding he wanted to live alone in the dessert, like a hermit. He stayed there for forty years, consumed by an ever-increasing love of God, without thought for his own flesh, free of all contact with men, having unceasing prayer and vigilance as his only occupation. After many years of spiritual struggle, overcoming temptations, he became close to God. Many other monks and people heard of his great ascetically work and would come to him for advice and spiritual direction. He wrote the Ladder of Divine Ascent to be a guide for practicing a life completely and wholly devoted to God. The ladder metaphor—similar to the vision that Jacob received in the Old Testament—is used to describe how one may ascend into heaven by first renouncing the world and finally ending up in heaven with God. There are thirty chapters; each covers a particular vice or virtue.
This can be a wonderful opportunity to discuss with your child the struggles and temptations we all face as Christians. One of the ways God helps us is through our Guardian Angel. Every Orthodox Christian receives a guardian angel at the time of Baptism. Children can learn a simple prayer to their guardian angel.
Source: HERE
The Icon: There is also a related icon known by the same title. It depicts many people climbing a ladder; at the top is Jesus, prepared to receive the climbers into heaven. Also shown are angels helping the climbers, and demons attempting to shoot with arrows or drag down the climbers, no matter how high up the ladder they may be. This icon stands as a representation of the spiritual struggle of a Christian life, which is "not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the present darkness the hosts of wickedness in heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
Activity Ideas :
Listen to a Podcast about Sunday of St John of the Ladder (5-1/2 minutes long) by Tending to the Garden of our Hearts HERE. It’s a podcast for the whole family!
Fight the Good Fight Song for Kids by Khouria Gigi Baba Shadid - learn about fighting the good fight and struggles we face as Christians. A sweet song for kids to learn and hold close to their heart. Available through Apple Music HERE.
Watch This 2 Minute Video for Kids about St John of the Ladder
Check out this Lesson : 10 Fun Facts about Angels for Kids - by Orthodox Education Blog
Listen to this Thought Provoking Podcast about our Guardian Angel (5 Minutes) in the Morning Offering which is an excerpt from St John of Climacus on Guardian Angels. Geared towards adults, but can offer information to start a discussion with your children about their guardian angel and the role they play.
Book Recommendations:
What Do You Hear, Angel? by Elizabeth Crispina Johnson - a sweet story about our guardian angel
(For Grown Ups) John Climacus: The Ladder of Divine Ascent - A must have for any Adult Orthodox book collection!
April 18 - Sunday of St Mary of Egypt
Feasts: April 1 and 5th Sunday of Great Lent
Sunday of St Mary of Egypt is the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Her feast day is April 1, however, she is also commemorated on this Sunday due to her recognition by the Church as a model of repentance. St Mary of Egypt is also commemorated on the Thursday (often served Wednesday evening) before the Fifth Sunday of Lent, when her life is read during the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete.
The Story of Her Life: About 500 years after the Resurrection of our Lord, a holy monk by the name of Zosimas lived in a monastery by the Jordan River. He had lived as a monk since childhood and when he was about 50 years old he began to think that he had surpassed all the other monks in virtue and that no one could teach him anything he didn’t already know. To prevent such a prideful thought from taking root, God taught him a lesson.
It was the custom in the monastery that at the beginning of each Great Lent, after Liturgy on Forgiveness Sunday, the monks would cross the Jordan and scatter throughout the desert where they would stay until Palm Sunday. Each monk would spend this time alone before God, in fasting and prayer, without anyone around to praise him for his struggles.
Fr. Zosimas went far into the desert. On the 20th day, as he stopped for prayer, he saw a human shape. At first he thought the devil was playing tricks with his eyes. But when he protected himself with the sign of the Cross, he saw it clearly: thin and naked, skin baked dark and hair bleached white by the sun, it seemed to glide over the sandy hill. Overjoyed at the thought of seeing a holy man, Zosimas hurried to follow and shouted: “Servant of the True God, do not run from me, an old sinner!”
“Forgive me,” a voice returned, “but I cannot face you, Father Zosimas, for I am a shameful, naked woman. Please throw me your cloak so that I may cover myself and ask your blessing.”
Terror seized the monk as she called him by name; how did she know it? Turning aside, he threw his ragged cloak her way.
In deep humility both saints fell prostrate before one another in the sand, asking each other’s blessing. Finally the woman said, “Father Zosimas, you must give the blessing, having been in the Holy Altar so many years as a priest.”
Struck with awe by her divine gift of knowledge, Zosimas pleaded with tears, “Please give me your blessing, Mother. Grace is not given only to priests, but even more to those who have died to the world and live with God. For God’s sake, bless me, for I need your holy prayers.” In obedience the woman declared, “Blessed is God Who cares for the salvation of our souls.”
“Amen,” answered Father Zosimas.
Then the woman wanted to know why he had come and how Christians lived in the world. He said that by her holy prayers Christ had granted them peace, and asked her to continue to pray. Reminding him that he, too, must always pray, she turned toward the East. Father Zosimas heard only whispers and looked at the ground in meek confusion. When he began to think her prayer was very long, he looked up to see her standing in the air about three feet above the ground. Bowing down with tears and begging God’s mercy, he begged her to tell him of her life, so that the wisdom and treasure of God might not be hid.
“My story,” said the woman, “will make you run as from a snake. You must forgive me for what you will hear, for I lived a shameful life and felt no shame. At only 12 years old I ran away from my parents, threw away my purity, and then trampled upon it with every sinful person I could find. I loved to drink wine and feel pleasure and lead others into sin; and for 17 years I never tired of any kind of sinning.
“One day I saw a crowd going to Jerusalem. Since I had no money, I promised some men that I would help them pass the journey in merrymaking if they would take me with them. With crude jokes they agreed. I am amazed, Abba, that hell did not open beneath the ship and swallow us alive. But God desires the repentance of even the worst sinner.
“Within a few days of our arrival, I saw a large crowd hurrying to church, I was told, for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Out of curiosity I joined them. But when my foot touched the doorstep, my body was held back by an invisible barrier. I could not enter, though I tried hard several times. Becoming tired, I let people push me aside and stood in a corner of the porch. Above me I saw an icon of the Pure Mother of God, and I began to understand that my sinful life was keeping me from entering.
I turned to the icon in tears and begged the Holy Virgin to help me get inside to see the life-giving Cross, promising to give up everything and go where she would lead me after that.
“Joining the crowd again, I easily entered the Church and saw the precious Cross and the Holy Mysteries; there I saw how the Lord accepts repentance. Filled with hope, I returned to the icon where I heard a voice from on high, ‘If you cross the Jordan you will find glorious rest.’
“‘O Lady, never leave me!’ I cried, and was on my way. Someone gave me coins and I bought three loaves of bread. By the grace of God they fed me for several years; for the rest of these 47 years I have been fed by the Word of God and plants I find.
“But, Father, how sinful memories attacked my mind and soul like wild beasts! Dirty songs, desire for wine and rich foods, and bad companions; my clothes wore out and I suffered greatly from the heat and cold. I was strongly tempted to return to my old life.
But in my thoughts I always turned to the Mother of God, and she has always kept me safe, chasing away evil thoughts and restoring peace to my soul.” With these words she finished her story, begging the Abba to pray for her soul and not tell anyone about her until she died.
The next year, on the day of the Last Supper, Zosimas brought her the Holy Mysteries, and she walked across the Jordan as on dry land to receive them. Seeing such a miracle, Zosimas explained, “Glory to You, Christ Our God, Who has shown me through this your servant how far away I stand from perfection.” He gave her Holy Communion, and promised to come again the following year.
Again leaving the monastery for Great Lent, Zosimas found her at the appointed place, lying in eternal repose, wrapped in his mantle with her face toward the East. In the sand she had written her name, Mary, and instructions for her burial; she also wrote that she died on the day, a year before, that he had brought her Holy Communion.
Father Zosimas could not think how to to bury the saint, for he was weak and had no tools. But just then a lion appeared, and willingly dug her grave with his paws. Covering St. Mary’s feet with tears and kisses, the holy elder committed her to the earth with prayers.
Then the lion went off into the desert, and the elder returned to his monastery where he told the story which has been kept to this day, bringing glory to God and hope to sinners.
May the merciful God give to us all St. Mary’s willingness to repent, and the protection of the Holy Virgin to help us. Amen.
Written for children by A. Prince Source: https://www.roca.org/OA/28/28g.htm
Activity Ideas :
Life of St. Mary of Egypt Printable - It tells the life of St. Mary of Egypt in comic form, and it is also a coloring page. Perfect to bring with you to the service for kids to listen along while coloring.
Listen to a Song about St Mary of Egypt - Gigi Baba creates fun songs for kids that are easy for kids to remember and sing along with.
Turn Your Life Around Craft by Orthodox Christian Education - this little printable/popsicle stick craft is easy to put together and would be great as a discussion prompt for older elementary kids
Lesson Plan and Paper Puppets by Orthodox Pebbles - Once again, Orthodox Pebbles knocks it out of the park with their lesson on Repentance and Temptation! In this lesson you will find activites to help your children understand repentance and temptation with fun interactive activities which you can find through this link HERE.
*If you enjoy these materials, please consider making a donation in support of the hard working Orthodox moms behind these incredible materials or become a Patreon
After listening to the story of her life, paint or draw a scene from her story - the photo below is an example done by Many Mercies Blog
Book Recommendations:
Saint Mary of Egypt Paterikon for Kids by Potamitis Publishing
The Life of St Mary of Egypt (written for kids) a free blogpost by Federica Matthews-Green
April 23 - St George the Great Martyr
St George Great Martyr and Trophy-bearer was a Christian Roman soldier killed under Diocletian at the beginning of the fourth century. He is also the patron saint of Moscow, Georgia, and England, amongst other places. According to tradition, St George was born to a Christian family during the late 3rd century. His father was from Cappadocia and served as an officer of the army. His mother was from Lydda, Palestine. She returned to her native city as a widow along with her young son after the martyrdom of George's father, where she provided him with a respectable education and raised him in piety. He joined the army and proved to be a charismatic soldier and consequently rose quickly through the military ranks of the time. By his late twenties he had gained the titles of tribunus (tribune) and later comes (count). By that time St George had been stationed in Nicomedia as a member of the personal guard attached to Roman Emperor Diocletian (reign 284–305).
In 303, Diocletian issued an edict authorizing the systematic persecution of Christians across the Empire. St George, when he heard the decision of the emperor, distributed all his wealth to the poor, freed his servants, and then appeared in the Senate. The brave soldier of Christ spoke out openly against the emperor’s designs. He confessed himself a Christian, and appealed to all to acknowledge Christ: “I am a servant of Christ, my God, and trusting in Him, I have come among you voluntarily, to bear witness concerning the Truth.” An enraged Diocletian proceeded in ordering the torture of this apparent traitor and his execution. He bore the weight of a large stone on his chest, was stretched on a wheel of knives, was buried in a pit with only his head above ground for three days and three nights, and was given a poisonous potion to drink from a magician. From all this, God healed and preserved him. When the Saint raised a boy from the dead through his prayer to God, the Empress Alexandra, wife of Diocletian, converted to Christianity. The furious Emperor imprisoned the Saint and beheaded Him in 303 AD. George's body was then returned to Lydda for burial, where Christians soon came to honour George as a martyr.
St George and the the Dragon
Of the many miracles worked by the holy Great Martyr George, the most famous are depicted in iconography. In the saint’s native city of Beirut were many idol-worshippers. Outside the city, near Mount Lebanon, was a large lake, inhabited by an enormous dragon-like serpent. Coming out of the lake, it devoured people, and there was nothing anyone could do, since the breath from its nostrils poisoned the very air. On the advice of the demons inhabiting the idols, the local ruler came to a decision. Each day the people would draw lots to feed their own children to the serpent, and he promised to sacrifice his only daughter when his turn came. That time did come, and the ruler dressed her in her finest attire, then sent her off to the lake. The girl wept bitterly, awaiting her death. Unexpectedly for her, St George rode up on his horse with spear in hand. The girl implored him not to leave her, lest she perish.
The saint signed himself with the Sign of the Cross. He rushed at the serpent saying, “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” St George pierced the throat of the serpent with his spear and trampled it with his horse. Then he told the girl to bind the serpent with her sash, and lead it into the city like a dog on a leash. The people fled in terror, but the saint halted them with the words: “Don’t be afraid, but trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in Him, since it is He Who sent me to save you.” Then the saint killed the serpent with a sword, and the people burned it outside the city. Twenty-five thousand men, not counting women and children, were then baptized. Later, a church was built and dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Great Martyr George.
Activity Ideas :
Listen to a Song about St George by Gigi Baba Shadid
Slay Your Own Dragon - One great way to help kids remember the story is by acting it out. Have your kiddos dress as a soldier and create your own dragon to slay! It can be out of pillows/blankets, or something you print and create (HERE), or I’ve even heard of one mom who bought a dragon piñata!
Make a St George Shield - St George was an officer in the army, so one way to remember him is by creating a part of his attire! This can also be used with the above activity. Find an inspirational shield craft HERE.
Book Recommendations:
St George and the Dragon by Jim Forest
Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges
St George and the Dragon Small Paterikon for Kids by Potamitis Publishing
St George and the Dragon Hardcover by Potamitis Publishing
April 24 - Lazarus Saturday
Lazarus Sunday - In a carefully detailed narrative the Gospel relates how Jesus, six days before His own death, he rose a man from the dead. He was aware of the approaching death of Lazarus but deliberately delayed His coming, saying to His disciples at the news of His friend’s death: “For your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe” (John 11:14). When Jesus arrived at Bethany, Lazarus was already dead for four days. This fact is repeatedly emphasized by the Gospel narrative and the liturgical hymns of the feast. The Gospel records that, on coming to the scene of the horrible end of His friend, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). The people were hesitant to open the tomb, for “by this time there will be an odor, for he has been dead four days” (John 11:39). When the stone was removed from the tomb, Jesus prayed to His Father and then cried with a loud voice: “Lazarus, come out.” The icon of the feast shows the particular moment when Lazarus appears at the entrance to the tomb. He is still wrapped in his grave clothes and his friends must unwrap him. Christ presents the world with this observable fact: on the eve of His own suffering and death He raises a man dead four days! The people were astonished. Many immediately believed on Jesus and a great crowd began to assemble around Him as the news of the raising of Lazarus spread. The regal entry into Jerusalem followed (Palm Sunday).
Image: Illumination Learning
Activity Ideas :
Make Lazarakia (Lazarus Buns) - pictured above, these sweet buns are super fun for kids to make, and really help remember the story of Lazarus raising from the dead. You can find a recipe HERE. You can also watch a 5 minute YouTube video on how to make these HERE.
Bake Resurrection cookies - Sylvia of Orthodox Mom shares this neat tradition that is not only fun but also helps tell the story of Pascha! Each ingredient has a corresponding scripture verse to the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Recipe can be found HERE.
Lesson Plan and Paper Puppets by Orthodox Pebbles - Everything you need to share the story of the Lazarus raising from the dead is in this free printable packet! In this lesson you will find an icon worksheet, a cut-and-glue-craft, worksheets to help with the details of the story, symbolism and activities which you can find through this link HERE.
*If you enjoy these materials, please consider making a donation in support of the hard working Orthodox moms behind these incredible materials or become a Patreon
Holy Week Craft Kit by Orthodox Pebbles - The kit contains beautiful printed templates and crafting materials for each day of the Holy Week, from Lazarus Saturday to Pascha Sunday. Everything is bagged up and labeled by day to make it as easy as possible to use. You can purchase this kit through Draw Near Designs HERE.
From the Holy Week Craft Kit by Orthodox Pebbles
Book Recommendations:
St Lazarus - Friend of Christ by Potamitis Publishing
For Biblical Stories, we prefer to read them directly from the source! Two of our favorite children’s Bibles are The Children’s Reader Bible (this story is on page 227) and The Picture Bible (page 626) which is illustrated much like a comic book
April 25 - Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday - is the celebration of the triumphant entrance of Christ into Jerusalem in the days before the Jewish Passover. Palm Sunday is also the beginning of Holy Week. After having fasted and prayed for forty days, Jesus was ready to come into Jerusalem. On this day we are happy to celebrate. We have fasted and prayed during the Lenten period. At the same time however, we are filled with sadness because we know the suffering that Jesus will have to go through in the days ahead. Priests usually wear green vestments to remember the palms that people waved to honor Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Palms are blessed in church and are distributed to Orthodox Christians.
As they approached Jerusalem and came to the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.” ... The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Matthew 21:1-9
His entrance into Jerusalem is a fulfillment of the messianic prophecies about the king who will enter his holy city to establish a final kingdom. “Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on an ass, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zech 9:9). As the people carry their branches and sing their songs to the Lord on Palm Sunday, we are reminded that it was the very same voices which cried Hosanna to Christ, which, a few days later, cried Crucify Him!
By Orthodox Pebbles available HERE
Activity Ideas :
Make Crosses out of the Palm Branches you receive at Divine Liturgy that Sunday! You can watch a YouTube video on how to do that HERE.
Sing This Prayer Together While Waiving your Palm Branches : “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord Sabaoth, heaven and earth are filled with Your glory, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna to God in the highest.” From the Divine Liturgy
Holy Week Craft Kit by Orthodox Pebbles - The kit contains beautiful printed templates and crafting materials for each day of the Holy Week, from Lazarus Saturday to Pascha Sunday. Everything is bagged up and labeled by day to make it as easy as possible to use. *Includes 2 crafts for Palm Sunday, including the above palm branch, and an additional craft for Sunday evenings lesson about the Fig Tree. You can purchase this kit through Draw Near Designs HERE.
Book Recommendations:
Heaven Meets Earth: Celebrating Pascha and the Twelve Great Feasts by Ancient Faith Publishing
Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Exaltation Press (page 20)
*April 26-May 2 - Holy Week (check back for a Holy Week guide coming out in a few weeks)
Final Thoughts
The Lenten season is very full. In our family, we prioritize attending the services as much as we are able. When time permits, I try to pull one resource like a coloring page, fabric set we’ve purchased, read the story, etc. My hope and desire for sharing these resources is to take the some of the burden off your shoulders for finding simple resources to share with your family. If you find yourself in a very busy season, don’t feel stressed to “do it all!” Attending services and praying with your kids is more than sufficient to connect them with the life of the church. You’re doing a great job!
What to Expect in the Future:
Be sure to follow along with me on Instagram for more Feast Day resources and monthly guides in the coming year! Also, consider subscribing below to receive updates on future guides and resources. Here is what I have in store for the coming year:
Each month I’ll share a heads up on what feast days/liturgical events are happening that month so you can begin to think/plan/prepare for what’s ahead. I’ll also include simple activities and book recommendations
Currently working on a Holy Week guide, so stay tuned for that in the next few weeks!
Orthodox Book list for kids and families broken down by month/Feast Day so you can start building a collection with intention. Many of them will be available at your local library or audio books
Feast Day Guides for Individual feast days with more details on how to participate
Thank you for all your support and for checking out my latest Feast Day guide. Good strength, dear friends! We are nearly there to the joyous day of Resurrection!
-Khouria Destinie