Mary Garden for the Annunciation
For the feast of the Annunciation, which is celebrated on March 25th, we have the tradition in our family of sprucing up our garden and planting new flowers named after the other of God (Theotokos, the Virgin Mary). I love this feast day tradition because it helps us lean into the spiritual symbolism in tending to a garden, one that the Theotokos would have been very familiar with - the garden of our hearts - in order to prepare to receive Christ. After all, she is the one who Jesus reminds us in the Gospel who “heard the word of God and kept it” (Luke 11:28). So as we prepare for this feast, let's prepare a place in our homes for our very own Mary Garden, with flowers dedicated to her. In this blogpost you will learn more about the feast of the Annunciation, how to plant your own Mary garden, what seeds to sow, and the connection between this special feast day activity!
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