Monthly Liturgical Printables
The monthly liturgical printables are back! I made some adjustments to ensure they are accurate for the 2023 year! This year, I will be selling them in a bundle. So this set is August - December. In January, I will have a new set available, so stay tuned for those!
Living the Orthodox Faith in our modern age takes intention. One of my favorite things about the Orthodox Church is the Liturgical calendar. I love the rich traditions that help us engage in the Liturgical year as well. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of feast days, saint days, fasting periods, etc. So my hope with these monthly printables is to pair it down for you. Let’s make a goal to learn about ONE saint this month, and do ONE activity this month related to a featured saint. Throughout the month, learn ONE hymn by singing it together every day, or as often as you can. And lastly, intentionally carve out time to create a strong family culture in your home (in the Family Corner section). According to Saint John Chrysostom, the home is a “little church.” By bringing these small experiences of the Church into the home, we more fully recognize and appreciate what it means to be the Church when we gather during the Liturgy. Our lives at home should be a reflection of our life in the Church. I’ve also included a few reminders of common traditions associated with the feast days each month.
For this download, you will receive August thru December, so 5 months are included. For the new year, there will be new downloads available, so be on the lookout for those.
Each Month Includes :
Important dates in the Orthodox Church Calendar and a few reminders of common traditions associated so you know what's coming up and plan accordingly
One saint focus for the month
Family Corner - building family culture takes intention, so we've included a simple ideas for the whole family to engage in summertime activities as a family.
Activity - one of the best ways to help kids engage in the Liturgical Calendar is by bringing the stories to life! Making those connections outside of church can be really helpful so when they are in church for the services they can make those connections in the Liturgy, icons, and hymnography. And don't worry, you don't have to be a “crafty” parent to do these activities. They are very simple and fun!
Song - let's learn one song a month, shall we? By singing the hymn weekly, you'll begin to familiarize yourself with it so by the time you hear it sung in church, you'll already have it written in your heart ❤️ the Liturgical Hymns hold the meaning behind each Feasts, so learning them will be a great joy
55 Maxims for Orthodox Living - a few to memorize or focus on each month
Your sister in Christ,
Khouria Destinie
St Anthony is a very well known Christian monk who lived in the 3rd Century, Egypt. Upon hearing the reading of Matthew 19:21, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven; and come, follow Me." St. Anthony felt that passage was spoken directly to him. He sold everything he owned, gave the proceeds to the poor, and left the city behind to live as a monastic (hermit) in the desert. He is most known for his victory over many great temptations in the desert, his defense of Orthodoxy against Arianism, and he is known as the father of Monastics. His life was recorded by St Athanasius in his work Life of St Anthony
In this guide you’ll find simple and easy idea to celebrate St Anthony’s feast day in your household - including a feast day tradition and book recommendations, and additional information so you can share this story so together you can grow to love him even more!