My Patron Saint: a Reflection
This weekend we celebrated Father’s Day, my name day, and my birthday ✨ I give thanks to God for blessing me with another year 🥰 especially thankful for this bundle. I’m 36 weeks now!
My girls created special cards and set the table for us, even foraging some beautiful hydrangeas from the neighbor’s yard. I’m reminded of the wonderful gifts I’ve been given in my beautiful children. God has given me a beautiful path to salvation, through my family ❤️ Of course we had to use our Blue Blessing Plate once again!

A common phrase we use in Orthodox circles for birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions is “May God grant you many years!” It’s such an endearing phrase, but more than that, it is a simple prayer to God asking for Him to grant them health and a prosperous life! Isn’t that sweet? I always feel the extra grace on special occasions, and maybe it’s due to all the extra prayers! I cherish each day and I’m thankful for another year of growth, love and repentance ❤️
St Alena of Belgium: Feast Day June 18th
In honor of my name day, I want to introduce you to my patron saint: St Alena ✨
She was born in Dilbeek, just outside Brussels, Belgium, in the seventh century. She was baptized without the knowledge of her pagan parents.
She would secretly attended Liturgy, giving varying excuses to her parents. One night her father told his guards to follow her and, after tracking her for quite some time, they witnessed St Alena entering a chapel in Vorst. Her father came to the conclusion that Christians had bewitched her into conversion, and ordered that she be arrested. When her father’s guards attempted to arrest her she resisted. During the struggle, her arm was severed, and she offered her soul up to God. The arm was taken by an angel and placed before the altar in the chapel where she regularly worshiped.
After witnessing these miracles, her parents converted to Christianity. In icons, she is seen with one arm severed, healing a blind man, or with an angel helping her.
She is sometimes referred to as St Alena of Forest, or St Alena of Brussels. Many faithful will ask for her prayers for toothaches and eye troubles. Her feast day is June 18th.
Choosing a Patron Saint as an Adult:
As an adult convert to Orthodoxy, I was tasked with choosing a patron saint for my baptism. By choosing a saint, we are assuming their name as well as our Christian name. When I commune, I say her name as my own. I chose my saint because her feast day happened to be the same day as my birthday. Although at the time it felt like a mystery, I felt drawn to her for some reason. I read hundreds of stories of heroic saints, and I kept coming back to her. She has been an incredible intercessor for me and my family and I have many stories already of her influence in my life. I’m thankful for these mysteries and connections with the heroes and champions of the Christian faith, and I hope to have even a sliver of her boldness and Christian bravery in my life!