We Don't Become Saints Overnight
This reflection was originally shared on Instagram:
Recently I heard a story about St John Maximovitch that has stuck with me and I think about it all the time now.
He was a humble clergyman who lived in California for a time, always seen carrying around 2 large brief cases everywhere he went, and faithfully serving the Liturgy daily.
It became a habit, that each time he would serve the Liturgy, it seemed that he would always be starting late, even though he arrived to church rather early. This was peculiar, so one of the parishioners asked him one day, "Vladika, why is it that you always begin the Liturgy late?" .... I don't know remember his exact words, but come to find out, those two heavy suitcases were full of little scraps of paper with names. All the names of people he prayed for, just shoved into those two big suitcases he brought with him everywhere. He wouldn't begin the Liturgy until he had prayed for each and every one of the people on his scraps of paper.
I was so struck by this story. He, of course, is a saint, but he didn't become one overnight. He spent his life serving others, praying for others, and ultimately that is still what he does today. This is what it means to be a saint ... the work we do now continues even beyond the grave.
I've taken this to heart, and feel so encouraged by his life and example. He didn't start off with 2 suitcases. He probably had a small list and it continued to grow from there.
We all start somewhere. Every day is a chance to begin again. My sweet girl made her own prayer list and it has about 30 names on it. It's everyone she knows and loves dearly. She remembers them each day in her prayers. Her devotion and zeal to do that which is pleasing to the Lord always amazes me. Children truly are a gift and carry with them such simplicity of faith if we offer it to them 🙏
I hope one day to have a few suitcases full of people to pray for just like St John. May we always strive to have such devotion to the ones we love!
Khouria Destinie

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